Web Mystery - Development Blog | Page 3
Hello, my name is Andrey, and this is my personal blog. At the very beginning of my career, I called "Web mysteries" things behaviour of which I couldn't explain. As it came with experience, everything happens for a reason - you just need to take more time on learning, debugging or googling the issue. This blog was initially meant to explain such "mysteries" and save time of the readers, but in fact contains general articles split into 3 categories: Front End, Drupal and Tools. Welcome!
Commerce Order Reminder - send automatic reminders of uncompleted orders on your Drupal website
Posted on:Commerce Order Reminder is my first full project at Drupal.org that sends automatic email reminders of the orders that have not been completed. The only requirement is an email address bound to the order, which either is entered on the billing information step for anonymous users or equals to account email for authorized users. Once the module is set up, you don't need to worry about it anymore, since all the email reminders will be sent automatically with the periodicity you specify. This article provides a detailed description of the module and its settings.
Advanced Surveys on a Drupal website with Lime Survey
Posted on:Today we are going to be talking about creating advanced surveys. When it comes to surveys on a Drupal website, most of people would think about using the Webform module. Webform is quite common, easy to use, has many contributed modules to extend its functionality, and may be a great solution for common survey tasks. However, if you are looking for a more advanced solution that includes more sophisticated survey elements, validation rules, result exports and graphics, Webform's functionality may not be enough. There are a few paid survey services online, some of which represent very easy and flexible solutions, but in this article, we are going to look at a free and open source survey application called LimeSurvey.
Applying discounts on certain product types with Drupal Commerce
Posted on:Drupal Commerce allows setting up sort of discounts out of the box using Commerce Pricing Rules. This feature is available once you enable Product Pricing UI sub-module, and some of the default pricing rules require having Tax UI enables as well. On the website I inherited, there was a several pricing rules, created manually, that set certain discount percentage to certain user roles, which was similarly to this guide from the Drupal Commerce website. The goal is to prevent applying discounts on products of certain type. In this article, I will show you how to achieve that with Rules.
Sending responsive HTML emails with Zurb Ink and MailChimp
Posted on:There's always a lot of beautiful emails in morning inbox - you know, those, with colorful images, green sight-attracting buttons, offering great deals and discounts that expire just a couple of hours. Until recently, I didn't think that I would ever deal with mailing lists, sometimes we come across really unexpected things. Today I needed to create a responsive HTML template for emails and set up a Drupal website for working with MailChimp and providing it a list of users to send letters to. The task itself isn't that difficult, but it includes many steps, that with time, may be forgotten. So I guess this post will be a good reminder for me and hopefully helpful to someone else.